Monday, September 17, 2007

This is hurting my ego...

As if I was a good cook before. Now she throws everything up that I cook. It's starting to hurt my ego.

Okay, the truth is I'm not a great cook. I've got a couple specialties in my repertoire, mind you. I can bake chicken like you wouldn't believe. And, as long as you don't mind putting it in the microwave after it's out of the oven, it is/can be quite tasty. On a side note, what would us dudes do without microwaves. I swear, I wouldn't be able to make it through the week. I'm going to venture to guess that it was a man that invented it.

Of course, I can barbecue. But, what guy can't barbecue? I think it must be some sort of code written on the DNA of every man so that he, instinctively, knows what to do when he holds a spatula and a pair of tongs in his hand.

What's frustrating about the entire situation is there does not appear to be any pattern in any of this. Case in point, she doesn't seem to throw the baked chicken up, but once you put chicken in a salad, get her to the toilet. On the other hand, she doesn't seem to hold the beef down in a hamburger form, so I figured I'd be safe with the stew. Unfortunately, no. Clear the bathroom.

So, here I am sitting on my couch trying to figure out what to feed her the rest of the week; at least the days when I'm cooking. At the risk of sounding rather insensitive here, I never puke the stuff that she cooks. Of course, I'm not carrying a child in my womb--do I have a womb? It just doesn't make sense that something so small can cause such a great deal of trouble.

Still, I'm not going to tell her that out loud. I'm starting to think, maybe, I should just lose the ego. At the very least, I know I should lose the fish sticks...she definitely doesn't hold those down at all.

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