Thursday, September 6, 2007

What did I do to her???

I've come to a couple different conclusions: The baby is either a boy or a girl. Now, I know what you're thinking. Where does this insight come from? Or perhaps you're thinking that I must believe myself to be some sort of psychic to make such a prediction. Or maybe you're thinking I'm a fool.

Nonetheless, I maintain that this child could either be a boy or a girl. Here is why. I've not been writing in this blog for very long now [read: a couple days], but I made no secret of the fact--in my first and only post--that I'm afraid of having difficult reconciling the fact that the child growing inside my wife is a girl. That's because both girls in my house growing up, sans my mother (but it's been a long time since she was a girl) were royal pains in the backside. It's a wonder why my father is not bald. That said, he does have a lot of gray hair for his age though, but I digress.

Lately my wife complains that she is, constantly, ill. Yesterday, I had the misfortune of being in the bathroom while she was in the act of being ill. It was, strangely, fascinating. It's been a long time since I've thrown up. The very thought of it makes me sick. In fact, whenever I think I could be sick, I sit down and focus on not going through the act. Regardless, my wife claims that she is always sick, and lately feels like she always needs to throw up, but can't. For this reason, I think it may be a girl. Hear me out, now. If, in my, admittedly, limited experience, girls cause lots of trouble after they're born, doesn't it stand to reason that they cause just as much trouble before they come out?

But as I thought about it, I remembered something my wife once told me. For background, she works with elementary kids in school. And, she said that boys are terrors before they're teenagers; girls become terrors after they're teenagers. That made sense, as I'm pretty sure I was a huge pain before I matured. By the way, being mature does not mean one is taller, just FYI. So, I decided this child is a boy.

So, using the same logic that Vizzini used in The Princess Bride, I can clearly conclude that this child is either a boy or a girl.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Two Little Blue Lines...

Before them there was a subtle change in color on a strip of paper. And before that, you couldn't know for a couple months or so.

We hadn't be trying for long. We got married young so that we could enjoy each other's company; of course in the small town I grew up in, kids got married right out of high school. So, I guess we weren't so young compared to them. Still, we were both still in college.

And we'd always said we'd start trying in four to five years. Well, four years came and we weren't trying yet. So, I guess we just assumed we'd meant five years. And yet, five years came and we'd not started trying. So, there we were. After six years of marriage and several other friends having babies, it, finally, seemed like the right time.

I'm not sure I'm confident about what my wife and are are getting [have gotten] ourselves into. But, we're both excited. I have things that I worry about. After all, being just over five feet doesn't bode well for my kid being an athlete.

And, the idea of having a girl freaks me out. Having two sisters and watching my parents constantly massaging their backsides from the pain the girls were causing them makes me weary.

But, we are ecstatic nonetheless. So, at the suggestion of a good friend, I've started this blog to share our thoughts and ideas, as well as theories about parenting. As of now, I'm a hard liner that believes in old fashioned discipline and I want my kids to heel. Moreover, I'm excited to watch my theories be proven wrong over and over again. So, stick around and share any insights you might have.
